Careers + Mental Health

Moderate Fuck Distribution

There’s a trending quote popping up everywhere, from social media posts & memes to coffee cups; “I either give too many fucks or no fucks at all!” At some point, someone started asking how to give a moderate amount of fucks or have moderate fuck distribution, which began trending. I read a blog article about

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Advice: Someone Else’s Biased Experience

I’ve wanted to write this post for over a week now. But, unfortunately, life continually got in the way, so I’m just now getting to it. Last Monday, I was at Animal Kingdom in Disney World. I was repeatedly advised that Animal Kingdom is only a half-day park. But, I knew the second I walked

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Manifest Your Future

When I started this blog, I had a much larger goal and purpose, but I also had a full-time job, multiple side gigs, two dogs, a cat, a house that I’m slowly renovating, and my health to maintain. I knew posting regularly wasn’t realistic. So instead, I’ve been working behind the scenes on goals for

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What Did You Expect?

I’ve saved tons of unfinished blog posts. I can’t bring myself to finish and post them. They’re light-hearted but also serious. The posts address how we love who we love, doing things even when you’re scared, finances & guilt, God’s plan, using your voice while also listening, being paranoid, etc. The world is simply too

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what's the gain

What is the Gain?

It’s terrific that I don’t rely on this blog for my full-time income because I’d be super poor. I’m seriously down to only one affiliate because I’m inconsistent. I have other competing priorities, and I’m not a fan of the current hustle culture/mindset. I know, I have like 4 side gigs, but I don’t work

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Overwhelmed? Don’t Pull Your Hair Out! Read this Post Instead.

Overwhelmed? Overworked? Burnt out? I can relate because I work 70+ hours a week between all the other things I have going on. It’s a lot, but I have goals I’m trying to reach, and tasks are required to get there. What I’m not doing is prioritizing my sanity on the journey to achieve those goals. My

Overwhelmed? Don’t Pull Your Hair Out! Read this Post Instead. Read More »

Strive to Be Better – Not your Best

“Striving to be the best is a mistake. It creates an illusion of an endpoint – and a delusion that you can only succeed by beating others.” Adam Grant How often have you heard someone say, “you should always strive to be your best”? I have heard that statement too many times to count in

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