Samantha Dean

I’m a writer, a marketing specialist, a stage III melanoma survivor, an educator, a runner, an animal lover, the best aunt ever to the best nephews ever, but – most importantly – a woman who wants other women (or just people in general) to love themselves. You may not care about any of those things and that’s okay. After learning a lot of lessons the really hard way, I decided to dedicate time to helping other women avoid some of that headache.

Advice: Someone Else’s Biased Experience

I’ve wanted to write this post for over a week now. But, unfortunately, life continually got in the way, so I’m just now getting to it. Last Monday, I was at Animal Kingdom in Disney World. I was repeatedly advised that Animal Kingdom is only a half-day park. But, I knew the second I walked

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Manifest Your Future

When I started this blog, I had a much larger goal and purpose, but I also had a full-time job, multiple side gigs, two dogs, a cat, a house that I’m slowly renovating, and my health to maintain. I knew posting regularly wasn’t realistic. So instead, I’ve been working behind the scenes on goals for

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To be Human is…Fucking Weird

I initially planned on titling this post, ‘It’s Hard to be Human.’ But, unfortunately, that’s boring, and I strive to be fascinating. Also, it’s more than just “hard” to be human. It’s fucking weird! I can’t be the only person who looks at the things humans must do daily and think, “this is so fucking

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What Did You Expect?

I’ve saved tons of unfinished blog posts. I can’t bring myself to finish and post them. They’re light-hearted but also serious. The posts address how we love who we love, doing things even when you’re scared, finances & guilt, God’s plan, using your voice while also listening, being paranoid, etc. The world is simply too

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what's the gain

What is the Gain?

It’s terrific that I don’t rely on this blog for my full-time income because I’d be super poor. I’m seriously down to only one affiliate because I’m inconsistent. I have other competing priorities, and I’m not a fan of the current hustle culture/mindset. I know, I have like 4 side gigs, but I don’t work

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Blogs, Emotions, & Therapy: A Cornucopia of Pleasures

It’s been almost a month since my last blog post. It would be a lie to say I haven’t spent a great deal of time, both in therapy and personally, processing the emotions that came with making that public. It was a precarious and vulnerable post that’s been met with questions by some people who

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